Wednesday 7 March 2012

Evening Doodle

Just got the mood and decided to some painting today ..
it was really hard to bring out the details.. give up after awhile but enjoyed doing the initial blocking of the shapes and color and light .. it was fun

Monday 6 February 2012

day of comping...

Original render from Maya
 Photoshop Comp ver1
Photoshop Comp ver2
Photoshop Comp ver3

There's just so much things a compositing software can do to a render.
Just not sure of how much is enough to do all the tweaking in maya before
sending to comp..

Sunday 25 December 2011

A lazy and unthoughtful design !!!!

This was a Env design done for my school assignment. Fun one but probably could had spend more time exploring in the design stage. Just got lazy and bored refining parts due to tons of assignment and other stuffs to learn as a VFX specialisation.But my ultimate goal is achieved though which was to portray a some sort of life in a distant traditional village living by the sea coast. The Interior design was really sucky.. Ran out of time. no comp studies at exploration at all @_@


Sunday 18 September 2011

Midnight Random Painting

After busy for so long just got some mood to paint as i was unable to sleep. Playing around with brushes and random color and values all around. and just saw this green-glowed eye with purple covering head statues starting to surface as i paint along.. and continued from there .. took me 45mins to really tell myself this was a waste of time and i should go sleep @.@